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Anonymous browsing

What is anonymous browsing?

Anonymous browsing means browsing the web while hiding your personally identifiable information, so you can’t be tracked by advertisers, websites, your ISP, the government, or hackers.


While anonymous browsing traditionally refers to hiding your IP address, you should also block tracking cookies and browser fingerprinting to get real online privacy.


Anonymous browsers allow users to view websites without revealing any personal information like their IP address. One of the most well-known anonymous browsers is The Tor browser.

If Google is your browser then you may not browse unidentified.


Can I browse the internet anonymously?

Using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a suitable way to browse the internet anonymously.
When you’re connected to a VPN server, your connection is secure. The software ensures that all your online traffic is encrypted using special protocols, so your data can no longer be read by others.

Does VPN allow me to browse anonymously?

VPNs create a secure connection or “tunnel” to the internet with the VPN server acting as an intermediary between you and the web.
This contributes to some anonymity since your IP address appears as the VPN’s instead of your address and masks your address
Anonymous browsing

Is VPN better than incognito?

Can I be tracked when using VPN?

Yes, the police can track a VPN user by monitoring their IP address. However, they will only have access to the user’s VPN IP address. Whether or not they catch the person behind the VPN connection depends on the VPN provider.

Can I be tracked when using VPN?

Yes, the police can track a VPN user by monitoring their IP address. However, they will only have access to the user’s VPN IP address. Whether or not they catch the person behind the VPN connection depends on the VPN provider.